Jacketless and Park lovin'....

First something to mention...as you will notice, everyone in the background of all these pictures is wearing a jacket. Except me. You see, I failed to pack any type of jacket for myself.
Everyone else has jackets except me...so I tried to turn one of my scarfy-wrap things into the most arm-coverage I could! ha ha ha
Ellie, would have been happy to just run in the sand and off, for the whole day. We made friends with some other babies and kids and a cute little fluffy white dog, named, Daisy.
Baby in her Ergo carrier.."singing" me a song. And again, notice all the people in jackets....excpet your truly. ha ha ha ha

It's a good thing I'm always the one in the room that thinks it's too warm..ha ha ha

scarfy-arms, kandee

Come join me on these babies too: