The new cool: mini-vans and crocheting

 This is the face I made when I had to return my rental car mini van.
It looks like rows of never-ending seats.
But hooray for my car being fixed.
Note: this was the one day last week when I left my house.
Don't judge me- I didn't put make-up on or do my hair- sometimes I do that.
(Remember we were all super sick.)

The kids were with my mom and grama while I did that...and they did this:
 Alani crocheting away after grama gave her a crochet lesson- while watching Herbie the Love Bug.
 Blakey also got a crochet lesson.
His yarn matched his shoes.

and later that lil Ellie Bellie all cuddly and ready for bed!
and whoop! whoop! I'm so excited that my sister is here to visit me for Thanksgiving! 
And if you missed it- I posted this over the weekend-
you can either you pre-made cinnamon rolls, or you could make them from scratch and shape them the same way and make this icing- yummy treat for visiting family for Thanksgiving....

hugs and heart-a-mon rolls, your kandee

Wanna check out my brand new banner on my other blog- I'm so proud of myself! ha ha ha CLICK HERE TO SEE IT!