If you were in my shopping bag yesterday, these are who would've hung out with you...
I went to World Market (one of my fav stores) and TJ Max / Home Goods (another fav)....
I bought:
* cool grey chevron pattern contact paper (you know the kind you can put on drawer liners and stuff)- that I have a DIY project in mind for. - from Home Goods/TJ Max
*a green whisk (because I don't know how, but I lost my favorite green and chartreuse colored one.- from World Market
*a tall glass measuring cup with all kinds of measurements - from World Market
And sometimes when I upload pictures to my computer they come out all artsy like this...
I was just trying to show you the screamin' deal I got on the contact paper - $5.99 for 2 rolls of this cuteness!
And I needed some mini storage baskets...for things like, keys, memory cards and computer cables, headphones, lip balm near my computee (that my pet name for my computer)...
Got these little lovelies at World Market....and I bought a Violet Crumble...that is a delicious chocolate candy bar they sell there that is amaze-y!
Hope you likey pied my home edition of shop and tell! ha ha ha Don't you just want to jump inside that light aqua color like it's a pool?!?
off to go type my other blog....baskets full of awesomeness for your day, your friend kandee
click on one of these to computer-travel to another lil fun place:
and I'm on pinterest, instagram and twitter, just look for: kandeejohnson