I seems like just a minute ago I was making these "cowboy invitations" for Blake's first birthday!
And 5 years ago I was holding my cuddly little newborn, that was so sweet and precious with his then blue eyes- but they've now turned more green! He melts my heart into puddles everyday!
And now he's 5!
If you want to know how I made these Cowboy First Birthday Invitations- this is what I did:
#1. Put on Blake's cowboy hat and bandana.
#2. Drew on a "mustache" with eyeliner. (which was wiped off immediately after -or would get everywhere!)
#3. Take a picture of your cowboy.
#4. In photoshop -(which would take way longer to explain) I turned it black and white and just left his eyes blue and hat red.
#5. I typed all the info for his party in a cowboy font and saved the image.
#6. Went to walmart and had prints mad of the picture for about 33 cents (it's probably more, but that was 4 years ago! ha ha ha)
#6. Bought some cheap enveloped that fit the photo size and mailed those babies out!
It was cheaper than buying store bought invites and wayyyy cuter!
I'll try to take pics to show you guys our birthday festivities!
And do you guys remember this video -when I put a "barn" in my house...that was Blakey's 2nd birthday present! (this is from my other channel on YOUTUBE- TheKandeeJohnsonShow)
yay I love birthdays!!! If it's your birthday too, happy birthday!!!
going to get ready to light some candles and eat some cake, your kandee
click here if you wanna see my SUPER NEW YOUTUBE video- but don't try the intro ideas at home! ha ha ha