Now, to know me, is to know how many treasures I find at Target...ha ha ha ha
And this is how we party down at Target. Target is a good time. You don't even need to buy anything.
The kids played "dj", picking out music to sample from their "cd bar". They were quite fond of Jewel's Fisherprice kids album.
And as you probably saw on my other blog, yesterday, this was guest "outfit-of-the-day" as well as being my guest "cart-rider".
And this is a great idea! A soft, rubbery, toilet-potty chair for the "big" toilet....this is a brilly-ante idea! The WeePod from Prince Lionheart. I love their wipe warmers too! And it comes in other colors too!
Next we found some cool stuff in the little girls "room decor" aisle.
Alani like this La La Loopsie Stuffed Doll....we did not buy it, as we already went to Target knowing it wasn't a toy buying day, just a looking day.
And this- I had to take a picture of, because my sister loves horses...and she would've loved this as a little girl. The Pretty Horse Collection wall decals!
And Alani looking for treasure in the $1 bins at Target.
We had fun and bought total essential things like new bath scrubby things- you know those plastic net-ball-things that you wash with in the shower!?
And we had Chinese food for dinner...yum. Target and Chinese food, it was a good day!
horse decals and dollar store bins, kandee