The Most Popular Pool Toys...and why....

Ok, it's official. Me and my sister seem to have discovered the most popular pool toys and we didn't even know we bought the same brand toys!
This was Ellie, in her "lilypad" floaty toy for babies by Swim Ways. My sister actually bought this for my niece when she was smaller. Ellie loved it and even started to fall asleep on the big puffy part! ha ha ha Then I got her out for a real nappy nap.
My sister got the Little Lily pad at Toys R Us.

Then I got my "yacht" (that I blogged about yesterday) aka The SS Ariel at Target. Everyone, kid and mom, whether boy or girl asked where we got it! And the second we'd leave it unwatched or unused, some kid would get in it and start floating on it!

I told my sister, "great minds think alike"...ha ha ha, that how we both bought fun Swim Ways floating toys! They make the coolest stuff! PS they make even cuter things and boy ones too. They make a little tugboat thats so cute, too.

And the SS Ariel (aka my yacht) my sisters preggy belly perfectly! She floated with her baby belly in the middle of the floaty, tummyside down and said it felt so good to take all the pressure off her tummy and back! (and her doc told her to just "go float in the pool" til baby decides to come out!

so if you want to have the most popular, wanted swim toys at the pool.....get yourself a Swim Ways water toy and you'll be the center of pool desires....but you might have to ask random little kids to give your floaty toy we kept doing! ha ha ha ha

blower upper of floaty rafts, kandee

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