Flying with Kids & Leaving NYC- insert sad face :(

I am typing this from my good ol' living room...far from NYC, where we just were yesterday...
and we miss it already...REWIND to YESTERDAY and this is how it went down:

Blake playing his game as we waited in the lobby of the hotel with all our luggage, and our, borderline, ridiculously tall water bottle.
Elyse getting a "work-out" walking all over the lobby before we left...
it was warm in New York...
and we soaked up every bit of New York as we drove away....
Fun with hand dryers...Blake is quite the fan of Dyson hand dryers- and I must say, it is kinda fun...except when your baby squeezes a pouch of mango puree all over you in the airport and you just want a paper towel to help clean up the orange mess that's all over you.... AND NOPE! No paper towels anymore just Dyson Air-blowers!

 The wonderful thing about traveling with kids, is that other people sitting next to you volunteer to move to another seat, so you get a free seat next to you! ha ha ha
We put our handrests up so it makes like one big couch seat...and even Elyse wanted to sit next to me and buckler her seat belt- well, that only lasted about 7 minutes...ha ha ha
Miss Alani, waiting while Blake dried his hands again, and again, and again....
We made it home...tired and stopped for IN-N-OUT on the way home because we were so hungry and it was so late, and we so wished we were still in New York City. 

typed from the couch on my living room, your kandee

CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR MOST AMAZING DAY I WILL NEVER FORGET IN NYC, I just want to keep re-reading this and looking at all the felt like a "heavenly" day.....

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