
This is my "faster-than-a-speeding-shutter-on-a-camera" Blakey....
While Alani and Jordan are away at school for the day...it's just baby and my Blakey...and I love all the conversations we have all day long....
He melts my heart with almost every sentence that comes out of his mouth....
My favorite yesterday, was when he asked me to come talk to him while he "pooped"...
to which I said, ofcourse...
I change diapers filled with poop what's a little talking in the bathroom while someone poops!? ha ha
(this is only cute when they are little, by the way! ha ha ha)

So as I sat in the bathroom, and said "well, what should we talk about?"...Blakey started to ask what my favorite toy was, when I was a baby:
to which I replied, my little squeaky rabbit toy.
Then I asked him, "what's your.....favorite color?!?"....
to which he replied:
"OH! That's a good question!?! It's turquoise!"
ME: "ME TOO BLAKEY! We both love Turquoise!"

Our conversation continued until he was done doing his business...and we both learned some "new favorites" that each of us have....

One day when he is grown up, I will miss little moments like this...even if they do take place while "sitting on his little throne".

Cherish every moment. Every smile. Every conversation. Try to never say, "I'm too busy"....because we should never be too busy for what a little heart wants to share with us!

huge hugs and extra smiles today...
and yes, I have new video to upload for the THE KANDEE JOHNSON SHOW CHANNEL on Youtube...but since I am typing this from Starbucks...while my mom is playing with the Blakey and the baby...I can't sit here while it uploads for 2 hours...
hoping they fix the downed internet near my house ASAP!...
peace out Starbucks, kandee