Sometimes me and baby make videos together- the tutorials would be hard to do, holding her, so that's when my mom comes over to help! ha ha ha
She loves her baby and says "bay-beeeee", all the time!
And, most of the time she just wants to just get really close to the video camera and grab it! ha ha ha As you will see in this video! awww, we really love baby dolls!
So get cozy...and come see what I have inside my Target bags!
Finally, I upload a new video to my "The Kandee Johnson Show" channel on Youtube- my random vlog and mommy/baby video channel!
So, let's go see what I got, from baby to beauty stuff! (I know, the trash bags are not exciting!):
my favorite part is when she tries to grab the camera and get right in front of the lens...ha ha ha
huge hugs from me and baby, Kandee
PS. Yes, I know- my imovie is still going nutso and adding clips back in that I removed when I export it- like the "double" and imovie are gonna have a talk!