Smiling with my eyes closed...

I love this picture....
I love her crazy bangs (or as you'd say in UK, fringe)...
I love her little smile....
I love that she closed her eyes....

I love that this morning Blakey asked me: "what's your name C-free-P-O?" (like C3PO, from star wars)...
I love that Blakey asked me to make him our Kale and blueberry smoothie (I think I'm going to a video-recipe for it).

I love that Alani said I could pick out her "cute outfit" for the day- she normally only picks out her own outfits...ha ha ha... Although I did have to convince it would be better if we put out leggings under our shorts because it's too cold to just wear shorts now.

And I love that Jordan....said , "I love you mom"...and then he said, "only when you bake me cookies!"....ha ha ha ha He's my jokester...

And I love that even though I was supposed to get up after I put everyone to bed and type my blogs...that I fell asleep and got more than 4 hours of sleep last night! woo hoo!

off to go whip up smoothies.....