Funny Face & Feedback Friday

I love this look on her face....she raises her eyebrows just like mama! hee hee

I thought we'd celebrate Friday, by doing a Feedback Friday....where you guys can vote on what you guys would like to see more of on my Kandeeland blog here.....

so here goes...
and since I don't have comments set up on my this particular blog due to the fact that some people felt the need to leave very mean and rude comments about my precious little ones- I removed the comments all together...
I'll do it with a little poll below...

I've been getting emails asking for different things and I want to know what everyone wants too...
so get your clickers out...


What blog posts would you like to see here:
Day in the life as a mom posts
Cool DIY crafts for home and kids
Kids outfits of the day (our cool cheap finds)
Cool baby and kid product reviews
I like it all!!! All of the above! free polls 

Now, what videos would you like to see on my "mommy vlog" channel on Youtube?

What videos would you like to see on my "mommy vlog" channel on Youtube?
Baby Product Reviews
Baby Advice: pregnancy, labor, new baby care, breastfeeding
Just random day in the life video with baby.
more cooking with Kandee videos!
Baby, Kids, fun home decorating crafts free polls 
 Thanks guys! You guys are the hearbeat of my blog and I want to make sure I am giving my "heartbeat" everything it needs... I love you guys....and little did I know that when I started my "mommy blog", before I ever though about Youtube...that this little blog woudl bring encouragement to other mama's, smile to people's face that don't even have babies...and a little love from our house to yours.... everyday you're invited to be a part of our are now an honorary "family-member-in-love".... huge love from our little house... kandee