Big Apple Baby

From the moment I first went to New York City....I knew no other city in the world would come close to matching that special something that NYC has....
it's something indescribable..something you have to feel...
Cities are unique like people, they have a feel, a look, a "personality" all their own....and NYC has a "fingerprint"  unlike any other.

I loved carrying baby around many things to see, faces to look at....and Times Square was quite mesmerizing to her...well, and to tons of tourists there too! ha ha

I wish I could spend the day walking in NYC with my babies....instead I'm far too far to the left coast. Far more too far away...but when I saw this picture, for a moment I caught a glimpse in my heart of the excitement, creativity, and business of NYC...that was not just exciting to me, to little eyes taking the excitement in too...
typing from a location in the boonies with little onesies that say "I heart NYC"....your kandee