This is Blake is his most dapper of duds, coolest shoes, and must have hat...after church, after hot chocolate, after our lunch, but we ordered breakfast food, after a drive to gramma's...
incase you love these and want to buy: Hat- I can't remember where we got it actually, shirt and tie came together from Old Navy, Jeans are Levi's, and shoes -Old Navy again!
and goodbye- he's outta here.
Alani and I, and her great grama who bought this dress are all in love with the 1940's. Me and Alani got her a little vintage 40's dress for super cheap at an antique store a few weeks ago, she loved it, wore it to school and reported that FIVE people told her they liked her dress that day.
ABOVE: Alani's requested hair do. We call it "twisty sides".
Alani and her new 40's dress that my Nana (her grand-nana) found for her and sent to us yesterday! We love it Nana! We would have paired this with saddle shoes, but we don't own any. Alani loves her PediPed patent leather Elizabeth boots!
what better way to spend the Sunday than swinging on a white fence and twirling in the grass or in Blaker's case...running as fast as you can all over the place.
1940's dresses and wishing we had saddle shoes..... kandee