well sure there may be Sex and the City...but we are pretty much just Tutu or Toy and the City here...
we don't mess around when it comes to chew toys (we- and I say we loosely, because pretty much me and little Cupcake are together so much, "we" can say "we are a we"...because we have some serous favorites:
#1. Any of my fingers (with clean hands ofcourse)
#2. anything in site becomes a chew toy, almost
#3. again...ANYTHING in site will become a chew toy
(we ate teething) Insert sad face....
Where'd ya get that Tutu Kandee?- you might be askin'- Target.I have more cool photos from being in NYC...but I am so tired...I keep falling asleep on my computer, as I have done almost every singls night i've been in NYC. Up til 2-3 am trying to upload photos and blog...ok this is ridiculous, I almost fell asleep again...
We've got a long day tomorrow so I'm going to go to sleep right now....
sweet dreams or even sweeter awakeness... your friend, who will have more awesome posts tomorrow~ kandee