my "beauties" and the beach

(cupcake- Elyse, me and my ring sling, my lil' neicey-pie and my sister, who is not my twin, but looks a lot like me, in Manhanttan Beach.
After working on the show yesterday...(click HERE to read about what happened before this picture) my sister, who stopped by on her way to San Diego, came to visit on set too, with her "so-her-auntie-kandee's-style" daughter and my only niece, we had a few extra hours until our flight so we went to the beach to have lunch, ice cream, and me try to stay awake (I'd been up for over 24 hours...ugh, i'll fill you in on my kandeej blog)
  on a "golden" side note: please notice the "golden-dream" watch on my wrist!!! Yes, the Michael Kors Runway watch I've been drooling over. You too can can scrounge your house for gift cards from christmas and birthdays from years past (I'm notorious for saving giftcards for years...until they expire waiting for the perfect gift)..TIP: Macy's giftcards don't expire! ...and look what I was able to get..the Runway WATCH!  Nothing could replace how much I loved the watch my friend made with my grandpa's watch- I wore it everyday for 10 years. I loved it, but now I've finally picked a new winner! I love it..and getting gift cards from family that never know what to get me! little beauty and no I'm not talking about my watch...(who had a long travel day with mama)
we had to walk to the water before we headed back to the airport...I miss the beach. I miss my sister. I can't wait to live close to them both again.

This day was a dream...I don't care how tired I was...and yes, me who never sleeps on planes, fell asleep for 5 or 10 minutes, while my mom held the baby. I was so tired...not even any turbulence could've kept me awake.

I know I typed this post wayyyy later than I normally post on my blog...I'm sorry,
but I was not feeling well this morning, my head hurts a little and my nose is all congested...I hope I didn't not catch what the lady who was sniffling and sneezing behind me at the airport or the kids who kept coughing near me in the security line (people were sick everywhere!), had.

looking at the pictures makes my head stop hurting a little...
maybe I can take a nap and dream of this day again....
hugs, love and if you are sick too....I hope you feel better as I "cyber-hand-you-a-tissue" and a
vitamin C (hee hee)...
love ya more than all the water in the ocean, kandee